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So this entry is all about medicine interviews for UPM, USM and UKM. I know that you guys have the same dream which is to pursue studies in medicine ( MBBS or MD) and some of you might had received interviews from any IPTA or IPTS, so here’s a blog for you guys! 

I am a foundation student and I need to apply for degree through UPU. Since I wanted to study medicine, so I applied medicine for my first four choices in UPU. All medicine courses in IPTA except UiTM require students to undergo interviews before getting accepted as their medical students. 

To make it short, I managed to get 3 interviews invitation from UPM, USM and UKM. The interviews are usually conducted at the same month and you may also have ‘clash’ interviews date for different universities. Basically, passing the interview is one of  the requirements for students to be selected into medical schools.

The interviews for MBBS or MD are usually conducted in MMI ( Mutiple Mini Interviews) format. There will be several stations and each station will have different kind of questions or scenarios and candidates will be given a short period of time to prepare for the answers. You can search more MMI questions on google, practice makes perfect!

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

 I went for UPM interview and it was the earliest interview invitations among others. It was conducted on Saturday at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences UPM. I was listed for the morning session and all the candidates were divided according to colour codes ( red, blue, greens, yellow, white). Then, we were divided into smaller groups and each group consists of 6 candidates. We were given name stickers and we had to wait for our turn according to the group number.  
The duration of the MMI was 42 minutes with 6 active stations (no rest stations). We were  given 2 minutes to read the questions and prepare the answers and each interview sessions were conducted for 5 minutes. 

The questions asked during my sessions :

1)   Explain about the moral values in the short video (we were given 2 minutes to watch the short video) 
2)  Your friends asked you to put their signature for their attendance when they are not around, what will you do?
3) What do you think about raising the medical fees in hospital? 
4) Having a conversation with an actor ( The situation: Your friend is in dilemma wether to visit his father that was just being admitted to the hospital or to continue studying for tomorrow's exam? What will you say to her?
5) What is your opinion regarding the advertisement given? (about corset)
6)  Solve the puzzle given and some personality questions.

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

The next day (sunday), i had an interview at USM. Therefore, my parents decided to take a flight from KLIA to Kelantan as the driving-hour from Kuala Lumpur to Kubang Kerian is about 6-7 hours and we might be exhausted for the next day (especially during Ramadhan). We stayed at a hotel which was just a few kilometers away from HUSM.

The interview was conducted at Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan, USM, Kampus Kesihatan, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan.On that day, the candidates were not being listed into groups yet, so we can freely choose any groups from A to G. Then, the USM assistants divided us into smaller groups consists of 11 candidates. The duration of the MMI was 62 minutes with 9 stations (2 rest stations, 2 written stations and 5 active stations). 
Before the interviews started, we were given some briefing for the MMI (so just stay calm okay).

1.      Tell me about hardships that you had been through/ about your talents
2.      Having a conversation with an actor 

    Situasion: Anda sebagai ketua pengawas dan anda mendapat tahu bahawa seorang pelajar telah mencerobohi bilik kebal kertas peperiksaan, apakah tindakan anda?
    (compulsary in Bahasa Melayu)

3.      Langkah merancang program hari kebangsaan
    (written session)
4.     Explain about current health issues (compulsary in English)
5.      State the moral values in the video shown. 
6.      Situational interview (about emergency department)
7.      Situational interview (written) 

Later on , we had group discussion after the MMI. We were divided into different groups and we had to do 15 minutes presentation. The time provided to prepare for the presentation was only in 5 minutes! 
The title for our presentation on that day was about ‘teenage pregnancy’. 


After a week later, i went for UKM interview. It was such a hectic Ramadhan,i might say (phew). The interview was conducted on Tuesday at UKM Medical Centre and I was listed for the morning session. The candidates were not listed into groups, so again we can freely occupy the seats in the hall and the seats will determine our groups. Each group consist of 9 candidates. The duration of the MMI was about 1 hour with 9 stations (5 active stations, 4 rest stations). 
P/s: While we were at the rest stations, we can enjoy and calm ourselves by listening to the instrumental songs from the audio.

The questions i had to answer:

1.                  Situational interview ( about online products)
2.                  Situational interview (when your lecturer scold you)
3.                  Situational based interview (how you react when your friend’s brother passed away)
4.                  Opinion interview (about feelings of a doctor and a patient)
5.                  Situational interview (when your friend cheats during exams)

That’s all for this entry. I will share tips and advises before going to medicine interviews on next entry. Stay tuned readers!  




    1. hi there, sorry for the late reply. I'm currently studying at UPM :)

  3. Hai, awak ni idola lah, camna nak jadi mcm awak

  4. May I know your pointer during your foundation

    1. Hi there, my pointer for both semesters during my foundation was 4.0 :)

    2. Hi, may i know what was upm position in ur application as in whether it was frst second r third r 4th?....😅

  5. Hi ..was the iv at ukm in bm or eng..can we ans all of the ques in eng?bec the prev year said ada some ques wajib jawab in bm..


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